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All Eyes look to Pennsylvania

A VISION of HEAVEN & AMERICA - by B. Franklin (12.08.2020)

Audio of vision shared in a service @ The Covenant Centre

As a video from Jay Sekulow[1] was playing concerning the state of Texas lawsuit brought before the U.S. Supreme Court concerning election procedures in the four battleground states,[2] the anointing of the Lord hit me, and I began to say,

All eyes look to Pennsylvania; all eyes look to Pennsylvania.”

Then suddenly, I was brought into the realm of the Spirit.


And before me, I saw the sea of glass[3] with an outline of America, and upon this map stood a figure on each of those united states.[4] These were the watchers of heaven representing her before the seat of the Lord who had been interceding there for many days on behalf of America.

Having received their petitions and requests for mercy, Almighty God stood up from his throne and handed the archangel standing there this decree:

"I have heard your intercessions and grievances brought before me, and this day does the Lord God declare his ruling.

Look now with your eyes, and behold the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." And the watchers of the Union, each one turned with all eyes to look at Pennsylvania and beheld Ben Franklin. In his hands was a pot of tea that he began to pour into the city of Philadelphia.


Then in the heavens above the Republic, an archangel began to blow the trump of the Lord. The angels of the Union who were in defensive mode did hear the sound of the battle cry blown forth from the heavens. And instantly, they rallied and were strengthened as they lifted their swords in unison to cry, "This is the Day of the Fear of the Lord," and then as one, they slashed their swords and entered the fight.[5] The Lord released the mighty angels of the Union into the fray of the battle.

Fear struck the eyes of the demonic hordes, and they began scurrying about this way and that, knowing that the end of their time had come. God Almighty in Heaven above had spoken. His royal decree had gone forth that righteousness would indeed prevail in America.

The standard of the Union and the banner of the Cross were lifted up high over the army of angelic host. They were on the offense now, and they were being victorious in the Lord.


And the archangel with the decree who stood at God’s throne continued, saying, "To those in America who lifted their hand against the people of the Lord and against the leader chosen of the Lord,[6] let it be known:

  • You can run, but you cannot escape the eyes of the All Seeing God.

  • For the Lord God has turned in his wrath and his fury, and he is sending his armies to wipe you from the very face of this land which you have so desecrated.

  • You who would dare to tear down the statues and monuments once made precious unto Him, now it is your face and declarations which will be removed and torn asunder.

  • Nevermore shall the Left prevail.

For this land was dedicated as one nation under God, and the Lord forgets not the lands dedicated unto Him." And the watchers of heaven were at peace, saying, "Amen. Let it be written; let it be done. May it be as Almighty God has spoken."‘


Then I saw our Lord Jesus, the Son of God enter the throne room and say, "For mine blood which was spilled is spilling upon that city of brotherly love and all cities therein who call upon my name. The great intercessions and multitudes of people of the Church of America have fasted, and they have prayed. They have beseeched the throne of heaven for the Lord their God to have mercy upon the state of their Union and the state of their souls.

Indeed, I, the LORD GOD, we have heard, for your intercessions have come before the very throne of the Triune God. The King of Heaven has not forgotten those among his children who love Israel, his first-born.

I have heard the cries and the prayers of the man anointed for that office…

  • the one who leads and rallies the people like a trumpet,

  • who stands for the unborn,

  • who stands with Israel,

  • who stands against nations and kings as he stands for the freedom and liberty of your land.

The Lord Almighty God has heard your prayers, oh man chosen by the Spirit of the Lord for such as time as this.[7] You who love America with such a fierce love. The dreams of God for America resonate deep within thee.,

Know your beloved America will not fall; America will not bend, and she will not bow, but she will stand more united now than ever before.

  • She has stood on the very precept of socialism.

  • She has stood on the precept of total darkness.

  • She has caught a whiff from that swirling pot of tea that is brewing in all its wickedness.

  • She has seen the great evil intents and philosophies that have spewed forth out of the hearts of such progressive, evil men.

These men in their lust for power forsook the God of their Fathers, and are even now congratulating themselves staking claims to the seats of power of this nation and beyond. Even that evil dark lord himself does drool over sitting at that demonic table. But it shall not be, declares the LORD.

As it was in the days of Noah, so once again, mine people shall be spared. Go now, you and thine House of Trump, and swing the doors opened wide, for all patriotic believers to come in to receive and to know the goodness of the protective hand of their God.

But woe unto those who did put it within their hearts to steal by their own conniving and treachery that which rightly belongs to thee. This day goes forth the hand of reckoning, declares the Lord God of your Salvation.


And the watchers of heaven bowed low before the throne of the Heavenly King, saying, "Surely our Lord the All-Seeing One is just and does well. Surely, his eyes and his heart have not forgotten the land of America for which we do intercede and stand. His mercies are never-ending, and his love does endure forever. Selah."


[1] Jay Sekulow – Chief counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice and member of the legal team of President Donald Trump.

[2] American Center for Law and Justice (December 8, 2020). Jay Sekulow Live - "This is the One: The Case We've Been Waiting For." This case will determine the outcome of this election.

[3] Revelation 4:1-2 & 6 “After these things I looked, and behold, an open door in heaven, and the former voice that I had heard like a trumpet speaking with me was saying, “Come up here and I will show you the things which must take place after these things.” Immediately I was in the Spirit, and behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one was seated on the throne. And before the throne was something like a sea of glass, like crystal…” – Lexham English Bible

[5] Joel 2:11 “And Yahweh utters his voice before his army, because his encampment is very large; strong is the one who carries out his decree, for great is the day of Yahweh and exceedingly fearful. Who can endure it?” – Lexham English Bible

[6] The 45th President of the United States

[7] President Donald J Trump

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