We will not Abdicate


Prayer & Prophecy by Don & Bonnie Franklin @ Ignited Church 12.22.20

Father, we thank you for the right to assemble in worship and prayer before you. We yet live in a free country where as Americans we can gather together, worship, and pray and there are no secret police knocking at the door to arrest us.

Thank you, Father, for the freedoms we have in America, for all the men and women who fought giving their very lives that we might share this glorious freedom of worshiping you. This whole nation was set up for this one purpose: that we might worship the Lord God and lead lives that were pleasing unto Him.

This day, we will not abdicate; we will not hand her over to the enemy willingly; we will not give America to the World Order, but we will fight. This is God’s nation, and God will rule, and God will reign within these shores. We will stand up and take our place defending the rights given to us by our Creator in this land to leave as a legacy for our children and our grandchildren coming behind us.

We will fight this fight, God, and by your grace, we will win. Thank you for your angelic help. Thank you, Lord God, for the angels that have been poured into this conflict within these United States. May you station angels and call forth bodyguard angels out of the City of David who will guide, guard, and protect your men chosen to lead the battle over these lands.

May you give the leaders of this present-day revolution, heavenly revelation and advanced warning to know where to be, when to be and what to do. May the golden anointing of God begin to fall with angelic dreams, visions, and revelations upon the youngest to the elders. Increase the angelic activity and nighttime visitations. May your chosen leaders wake up with angels in the room, sensing their presence that the Spirit of God may manifest and speak to them.

May they go forth as a shining lighthouse in this nation. May their words go forth to affect the hearts and minds of our countrymen, drawing them ever so closer to you and your ways. May they pass through these waters of darkness, and lead the people into your ways of light.

The Global Illuminati

Father, we thank you that your hand is on the fate of America, and you are not going to let the enemy take this nation and turn it over to the global Illuminati. This is your country founded by your Spirit. Millions of Christians are standing in the gap right now, praying and declaring the word of the Lord over these lands. We pray, God, break the back of the enemy.

May men arise dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, with the desire to re-establish righteousness in government. The foundations of this nation are not cracked. May you wipe away the darkness and fill it with your righteousness.

Turn back this tide of evil that has infiltrated our country through many channels. We cut the evil darkness of the Illuminati at its roots. You will not rule America, in the name of Jesus; you will not rule America, in the name of Jesus; you will not rule America, in the name of Jesus. You will be exposed at the root and destroyed, and God will come and set up camp in the Capitol of D.C.

The Lord God is going to rule and reign in this nation. He is going to remove the cancer, expose the evil, and root it out. God is bringing forth righteous men and women to lead. We call them out of the pulpits and into the Congress; we call them out of the pulpits and evangelistic fields into the Senate; we call godly men and women back into the key positions of governing this nation.

The government is to be upon his shoulders. May we not abandon the government for the mission field, for without a godly government, there can be no mission field. We call the men and women of God back into the political realm to save her before she is lost to the ways of darkness.

Many were given talents to fulfill for just that purpose – to govern righteously before the people and the Lord. Fill the Congress, the Senate, and the Supreme Court with godly men and women who walk in your Spirit that will not bend, will not bow, and cannot be controlled by the Illuminate.

Let it be written; let it be done. It is sealed by the blood of the Lamb this day. Come down off your thrones. Be removed from your spheres of influence in this nation, in the name of Jesus. May righteousness begin to rise like a flood now to cover these lands.

We pray for a righteous rebellion to spring forth within the hearts of millions of believers. May the wrath of God come forth with the whip of Christ to strike down the wickedness in this nation. Come Lord Jesus and cleanse these lands once dedicated unto you. Send forth servants all over the country in the footsteps of John the Baptist to confront this darkness seeking to destroy these lands for the generations.

Forget not this Land

“We speak to the dark forces: you will not steal this nation from our children. There’s many places on the earth where your feet do walk, but this is God’s country, and you shall not have her. This is a nation established under God, and the people herein do trust in Him.”

Hear the blood crying out that was spilled on the ground in this nation and around the world. It cries as the blood of Abel did once cry. “Oh God, forget not this land.” The Pilgrims are crying; the Puritans are crying. It’s a righteous cry. It is not the cry of ghosts upon the earth; these are saints of heaven coming forth in a righteous cry of faith, believing in prayer with you!

Know there are more for you than there’s against you. There are many Christian brothers and sisters around the world praying for you. Do you not believe that Cho’s prayer army is interceding twenty-four hours a day for America? Is it not America who fought the battle in Korea, giving them the freedom to preach the gospel? The very freedoms they have for bringing others to the throne of Christ is because of this great land.

This is my land, says God. It shall not be desecrated by another. Tear down those false idols and evil statues. It is not the statues of the godly patriots that are to be torn down, but the satanic altars built upon the high places.

“We send angels forth this day: dismantle those stones and altars. Disrobe the evil leaders that are in hiding, even as the KKK did once hide. Dismantle and disrobe those who would follow the evil one and reveal who they are.”

An Army of Believers

There’s not just a million-man army in this nation. How many of your brothers and sisters did come together and vote for righteousness that day? Upwards of seventy-four million, and that’s just the ones of voting age.[1]

What about the children of America? Are they not also praying? Do I not hear the prayers of those 5-year-olds when they bend down their knees before me, and they pray for their President Trump with faith believing?

Oh, there are so many more with you. You can even pray forth the prayers of those who came before you. Read the prayers of Washington; read the prayers of Hamilton, of Franklin, of Lincoln, the prayers of John Kennedy. He was a good man in my sight. He stood for America and for righteousness. Yes, he had the sin of David, but then so did many others. He was chosen by me, and the mantle for leadership was strong upon him.[2]

And if you would know, the very prophet who stands in your midst did go before the gravesite of President Kennedy, and he did call forth that patriotic anointing that rested upon him and his wife. And afterward, low and behold, who did announce within a few short weeks that they were running for the presidency of this land? The anointing of Camelot, which rested upon Kennedy, is resting upon this nation once again. It has become a light around the entire world.

In Israel, Trump is even more popular than Benjamin Netanyahu. Why do they love him so? It’s because of my anointing. It’s the anointing of leadership that I placed on King David. As it rested upon different ones in the generations, it is resting upon this man, and it does not come off this man until I say it comes off, says God. And I declare, it will not come off this man until he enters into my presence in glory. He will be a formidable voice for this nation all the remaining days of his life. He does even raise his children to follow right in his footsteps in service for this land.

Do not count yourself short. You can believe for a century of righteous leadership. Why not? Can it not be done if the anointing of Christ rests upon you? As you see the walls go up in the natural, build them up in the Spirit and instruct the angels to lead the demonic spirits out of your land.

“May this be a land where God is God, is God, is God! This is God’s land; this is not a secular nation; this is not a Muslim nation. Thank God, this is not a socialist nation and never shall be! We send all those spirits back to the frozen north on the other side of the world; that’s where you belong; you do not belong here.

And we speak to those ancient Asian ancestral spirits which have infiltrated into so many, many businesses, colleges, and government positions: you, too, don’t belong here. You have spread forth your tentacles all over, seeking to subdue and control this land.”

You who would take a sword to my people and cut off their heads, you haven’t seen the sword of the Almighty yet. You have not fought toe to toe, head to head with the American nation, but you are about to whether in the spirit or in the natural.

You better run back to your shores; you better go running back to your shores. You have angered the Almighty God. Your land of a billion souls, is that not enough for you? How dare you come into the land of Christianity. How dare you come into the land fought for and paid for by the blood of patriotic Christian believers? How dare, how dare, how dare you?

You are sent back, in Jesus’ name. I do not care who you’re married to. I don’t care what position you hold or whose board you sit upon. It’s time for a roundup – a Holy Ghost posse, in the name of Jesus. This nation did it once before, did they not? Ask the Japanese. They were gathered up whether they were innocent or guilty. You’d better get out. Steal the election will you with false ballots, false money, and false news reports? This is not your land; this is God’s land.

Believe, believe, believe the word of the prophets. Believe the word of Franklin Graham and Jay Sekulow. Believe these anointed ambassadors for me. Believe and support them in prayers; support them financially. They are present-day Alexander Hamiltons. They are carrying the Declaration of Independence that this nation will not go the way of the World Order.

It’s being declared. If it’s being declared, then you can receive it. If you can receive it, you can believe it. If you can believe it, then you can walk in it. You can live in a land of freedom this day. You can have it; believe it and receive it. Hallelujah. 

[1] 2020 Election – Over 74 million Americans voted for President Trump

[2] John Kennedy – In the Spirit, we have seen Kennedy in heaven. He made it there because, in his heart, he loved and believed in his God. He loves America still to this day standing in rallies with the watchers of heaven. As they send their prayers down upon us, they release their anointings – the angels that were by their sides to be among us, to hold our arms up, to inspire and anoint young men and women to lead, to guide and to protect this Union and the people of God. 



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