
The Battle is Raging from Coast to Coast
Don Franklin Don Franklin

The Battle is Raging from Coast to Coast

There will be a battle; there will be a fight for the soul of this nation. Fear not, saith God. I was with them in WWI; I was with them in WWII; I was with them in Korea; I was with them in Vietnam; I was with them in the Middle East, and I will be present in the coming conflict, saith God.

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We will not Abdicate
Don Franklin Don Franklin

We will not Abdicate

This day, we will not abdicate; we will not hand her over to the enemy willingly; we will not give America to the World Order, but we will fight. This is God’s nation, and God will rule, and God will reign within these shores. We will stand up and take our place defending the rights given to us by our Creator in this land to leave as a legacy for our children and our grandchildren coming behind us. We will fight this fight, God, and by your grace, we will win.

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All Eyes look to Pennsylvania
Don Franklin Don Franklin

All Eyes look to Pennsylvania

President Trump: The Lord Almighty God has heard your prayers, oh man chosen by the Spirit of the Lord for such a time as this. You who love America with such a fierce love. The dreams of God for America resonate deep within thee. Know your beloved America will not fall; America will not bend, and she will not bow, but she will stand more united now than ever before.

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Praying for Israel & America
Don Franklin Don Franklin

Praying for Israel & America

We declare the darkness will not reign; the darkness will not prevail; the darkness will be put under the feet of the Lord, and he will crush his enemies in the coming day. Father, we thank you for victory, victory, victory over all the powers of the enemy.

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Battle Over Washington
Don Franklin Don Franklin

Battle Over Washington

God said that he’s drawn the enemy out into battle and that he has not yet allowed the angels to engage. He’s done this to reveal the deep wickedness in the hearts of the left who would turn this nation into a socialist society. Again the Spirit of God promises victory for the church and the nation.

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Mosaic Leadership
Don Franklin Don Franklin

Mosaic Leadership

Are you on the side of anarchy, rebellion, and murder, or on the side of the Lord and the rule of law? As for me and my house, we stand forever with the mosaic leadership that God has brought forth in this world for our country.

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