Praying for Israel & America

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The Abrahamic Peace Accords

Father, you told Israel, “I have inscribed you upon the palms of my hands. How can you forget your child that feeds at your breast? It can happen; even a woman can forget her suffering child, but I will not forget you, Israel. I have inscribed you upon the palms of my hands.”[1]

It is the very name of the Jewish nation that is inscribed upon the hands of God. He cannot forget them; it is inscribed for eternity upon his hands, and he is going to keep his promise to the Jewish people. The Apostle Paul said the day will come when they will look upon Him whom they have pierced, and they will mourn for Him as their only son, and they will receive Him as their Messiah.

God, we call forth that very moment in time when the Jewish nation will come to the realization that their Messiah had come and died and shed his blood for them, and they will receive Him. We come against the powers of darkness that are plotting the destruction of the nation of Israel.

We call forth the ancient prophets; the word of the Lord, the word of the Lord, the word of the Lord came through Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel concerning the nation of Israel. Many of those words have not yet happened, but they will come to pass. In the fullness of time, God sent forth his Son. It was prophesied years, and years, and years before his arrival that he would come and be born of a virgin, and the day came when that prophetic word of Isaiah finally to pass.[2]

There are words right now that were given by these ancient prophets that have not yet come to pass, but they are coming. We greet those words with joy. We call them forth in this day and age, in our lifetime to manifest in the nations, to manifest to the Jewish people, and to manifest to the Christian church.

We declare the darkness will not reign; the darkness will not prevail; the darkness will be put under the feet of the Lord, and he will crush his enemies in the coming day. Father, we thank you for victory, victory, victory over all the powers of the enemy. Behold, I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by anyways hurt you.[3]

Lord God, we take our authority in the earth, and we command the demonic powers, “Back down, in the name of the Lord; back down, in the name of the Lord; back down, in the name of the Lord. Release this nation from your grip.”

We call forth freedom to preach, freedom to minister, freedom to bring millions to Christ. The stadiums will be full, hallelujah. God, you’re doing it. The battle is intense, but this day of prayer in DC is going to break something. It’s going to break the political stranglehold the left has had over this nation as apostles and prophets gather on that Mall to speak, teach, pray, and prophesy the word of the Lord.[4]

We thank you for a great release in America, God, of freedom to preach this gospel on every street corner, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Passing the Torch

The Lord says, I will put two Franklins on the Mall. One will rise in prominence to a global stature that rivals his father’s house. He will not remain at the level that he’s at. Up, saith the Lord, you go into that global mantle. Stadiums will fall before you like wheat in the harvest field. You will carry your father’s mantle to the ends of the world, and you will fill stadiums from one end of this world to the other.

God says, this day, Franklin Graham, you go up in the things of God. You will take your place in the hall of heroes that records the history of my people. You will not remain at the level you are. Up, saith God, into prominence; up, saith God, into something you never dreamed.

The mantles of God are falling on this nation for promotion. I will use this day of prayer[5] to promote my people, saith God. I will bring them out of the shadow; those that you’ve never heard of will begin to rise and take control of the reins of the body of Christ. There is a supernatural body forming globally. There’s only one church, one God, one Lord, one baptism. There are not many houses; there is but one house in the Lord.

I am releasing a supernatural leadership that the sheep will run to globally as they’re being fed by heaven itself. These are men and women that refuse to do anything that is not led of the Holy Ghost. They’re going to hear my voice; they’re going to be where they should be when they should be doing what I tell them to do. And when I tell them to be quiet, they’re going to sit down and disappear.

I am bringing in a church that’s in obedience to me. I’m the head of the church. I AM. I give the orders, saith God, and I will be forming a group in the coming days that listens to me. So, come forward, present yourself before the Lord and receive your commissioning this day. For God says, my hand is coming down on every single believer to be used, to be filled, to be under the mantle of God to do what you’ve been called to do since the day you were born.

You will come into unity in the Spirit. As you come into together in the Holy Ghost, there will be a global supernatural unity coming upon my church, and nothing is going to stand against it in the coming days.

[1] Isaiah 49:15&16 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.” – NIV

[2] Isaiah 7:14-15 “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right…” – NIV

[3] Luke 10:19 “Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you.” – NLT

[4] The Return and Prayer March 2020 – a gathering of apostles, prophets & intercessors on the Mall of Washington DC, September 26th called forth by Franklin Graham & Jonathan Cahn.

[5] September 26, 2020 - day of national repentance and prayer on the Mall of Washington DC led by Franklin Graham and Jonathan Cahn


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