Battle Over Washington

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While in DC in 2013, the Lord gave me a prophecy in a prophetic conference with Bobby Conner and Paul Keith Davis at a church in Fairfax, Virginia. The Lord spoke of a battle going on over Washington and he warned of great propaganda going forth, but that revival would come to the city and that the church would know great victory.

Again, this month the Lord spoke again on this issue. This time, God said that he’s drawn the enemy out into battle and that he has not yet allowed the angels to engage. He’s done this to reveal the deep wickedness in the hearts of the left who would turn this nation into a socialist society. Again the Spirit of God promises victory for the church and the nation.

It is definitely a time to pray. I encourage you to join the intercessors uniting in DC on the Mall in Washington with Franklin Graham and Jonathan Caan on September 26th. May the God of the heavens hear and respond to the prayers of his people calling out in repentance for this country that the mercies of heaven may flow. May the righteous element of the house of the Lord put on sackcloth in a time of fasting intercession for God’s hand to move on America’s behalf.

Prophecy: Victory is With You

by Don Franklin @ Fairfax, Virginia (2013)

I was here at the inception of this nation. This is my nation, and I will be here at the conclusion of the matter. I am the Lord thy God, and I change not. I ruled over the kingdoms from the beginning, and I will rule until the end. I am the God of righteousness and holiness.

The political parties that are established in this nation do not rule America. I do, saith the Lord. I am the Lord your God; I am the King. I am He who holds the winds of the north, and I hold your destiny and future, saith God. Political parties do not hold you in their hands; I hold you in mine.

I am with you this day; I am for you; I am for the righteous element in this nation. Stand steadfast and strong, saith the Lord. I am not the God of gray; I am the God of black and white. Right is right and wrong is wrong, and never the twain shall meet.[1] There is no compromise within the Almighty. I call for holiness and purity; I call for a righteous standard to be lifted high in this land.

Do not be confused in this hour. There will be much deception broadcast, and much propaganda being put forth. But know this, the Scriptures are true. I will stand with those who stand with me; I will honor those who honor me, and I will give power; I will give glory; I will give anointing to those who walk in truth, purity, and holiness before me, raising the standard so that the people do not go astray.

The battle is on, saith God; the battle is on. A shot has been fired across the bow of this nation, and the enemy has said, “I will take it; I will destroy it; I will bring it down.” God says, Hah! You wait and see what happens as I begin to move. I’m going to pour my Spirit out from the East Coast to the West Coast. There’s going to be revival hit this land. People that have been so against God are going to turn and like Paul, be knocked off their horses. They will come to Christ, and they will be on the airwaves confessing that he is Lord and that they were wrong. You watch and see what happens on both sides of the aisle – left and right.

Conversions are coming; conversions are coming, and it won’t be just political Christianity; it’s going to be the real deal! I’m walking into that Capitol; I’m walking into the Senate, and I’m walking into the White House. I’m going to begin to touch people and anoint them. The burning fire of God is going to fall upon the hearts of congressmen, senators, and leaders in this nation. You’re going to see the fire of God begin to prevail.

There is a battle; there is a huge battle. But know this, I’ve been in battles since this nation was formed. I was there at the Revolutionary War; I helped George Washington win. I was there in the Civil War; I saw to it that right prevailed. I was there in WWI and WWII, and I am with you now and will be there in your future, saith God.

So, put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the seas. Put your hand in the hand of the man that no one can defeat. And know this, that the victory is with you; I am with you in this fight over this land.

Prophecy: The Endgame

by Don Franklin @ The Covenant Center, Lakeland Florida 8.23.20

The Lord says, I formed the nations; I formed the continents; I formed the stars and the seas. It is I who controls the destiny of nations and the destiny of this world. I’ve already written the endgame; I am in control of the endgame.

What you are seeing right now is but this: I have drawn the enemy out to battle. I have set a trap for the demonic powers. He has said, “I will take this man down; I will take this nation down, and when I am done with them, I will take Jerusalem.” Hah, says God. I’m in charge of the battle; I’m in charge of the illusion; by many ruses shall you make war.

They are even now congratulating themselves on how they have defeated this nation. But I have news for them; my angels have not yet engaged. There are angels over every nation. Michael is over Jerusalem. The Angel of the Union over this land has not yet swung his sword; the angels who fought with George Washington in the Revolutionary War of America are still here and they are about to be released into the fray.[2]

But know this, I have allowed this to manifest that you would see the depths of darkness within the heart of the enemy. They have revealed how evil their battle plans and theology are. They have cast God out of their midst saying, “We’ll have nothing to do with him,” because they already are following a god – the god of the underworld – Lucifer that angel of the light is who they do follow.[3] They promote the darkest evil from the pit of hell in the killing of children, and perversion of the genders. This evil has evolved from that very angel of light who is seeking to rule this nation.

But a trap has been set. This party will cease to exist in the coming days. I will bring them down, saith God. I will judge that which is evil and corrupt in this nation. This is what the current fight is all about.

But know this, I have held my armies in reserve, and they are about to come forward on the battlefield, and when they do, there will be panic in the eyes of the enemy. Know there is a great confrontation on the horizon, but the God of the Heavens is in charge of this fight, and I will see to it that right prevails. This nation will continue to stand. It will not submit to the enemy; it will not submit to the World Order; and it will not submit to the rule of the Antichrist!

You mark my words. Victory is on your side. Rejoice, says God. Rejoice! The victory of God is with you this day.


[1] Rudyard Kipling (1892). “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”

[2] Angel of the Union – (Valley Forge, 1777) a vision of George Washington

Instantly a light, as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments of the dark cloud, which enveloped America. At the same moment, the angel upon whose head still shown the word 'Union,' and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were well-nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks, and renewed battle.

Again, amid the fearful voice of the conflict I heard the mysterious voice say,

‘Son of the Republic, look and learn.’ As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped the water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark clouds rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious.

Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard cried with a loud voice: "While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last."

And taking from his brow the crown, which blazoned the word 'Union,' he placed it down upon the standard while the people, kneeling down said, 'Amen.' The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor, I at first beheld. This also disappeared, and I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor who, in the same voice I heard before said,

‘Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful for her is the third. But the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and Union.’

[3] 2 Corinthians 11:13-14 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan, himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” – NKJV


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