Prophetic Journals

by Don & Bonnie Franklin - available on Amazon



Altar of Intercession

Songs, poems and words of love spoken between the handmaiden of the Lord and her Beloved.

  • Father God calling his daughters & sons to meet with him

  • Praying to move the heart of God

  • The Spirit of Friendship

  • Walking in the secret place

  • A new awakening & second reformation

  • Intercession becomes your lifeblood

  • The Father of your dreams



The Destiny of America & Her Sons

Prayers for America and her leaders given during times of intercession, as well as prophetic words spoken from the Lord regarding these matters.

  • Is Donald Trump a deliverer for America?

  • Will America bow to the World Order & the Antichrist?

  • America’s role in the peace of Jerusalem.

  • Peaceful Protestors & Riots - the new Civil war

  • Is America a Muslim or Christian nation?

  • Revivals for America, Europe, Australia



The Fellowship of Intercessors

The Holy Spirit calling forth his prophets and intercessors into an organized intercessory army of God to pray and intercede the church through the days ahead until the 2nd coming of Christ.

  • Call to enlist in the Intercessory Army of God

  • Churches open for 24hr Prayer

  • Wrath & Vengeance of Almighty God against the socialist takeover of America

  • Mantles falling for miraculous healing with signs and wonders

  • A return to the days of the Acts of the Apostles for those willing to accept the call