Mosaic Leadership

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How does this man stand under the daily assaults and attacks from the enemy who wants control over this nation? He has got an incredible mantle from the Almighty. His mantle is huge! He’s got a mantle as large as America and a mandate from heaven to save this country.

He’s a Churchill; he’s a Churchill to this world in this generation! The angels of Churchill are now his bodyguards. He will prevail against seemingly insurmountable odds. When you can reach up and tear the stars down from the sky or empty the oceans of their depths, only then can you remove my man from his office. This man is going to go down as one of the most important men in history – you wait and see before this is over.[1]

As with my servant Moses, the leaders of the opposition constantly found fault with him. They criticized everything he did even when he went before the people in the middle of their rebellious behavior raising up the stone tablets written upon by the finger of God. By God’s command, he declared, “Who is on the Lord’s side?”

You’ve seen Trump mirror what was done by Moses. He walked past the protestors and rioters, holding up the bible in the air before the people and the church. This is a prophetic statement; it’s a sign unto the nation. “We will not bend nor bow to terrorists’ demands. We bow before the Lord Almighty and to Him alone.”

You have seen the darkness battling in our streets. Part of this fight is over the revival. The enemy of your soul is trying to shut down this nation so he can shut down the revival God has planned – that billion-soul harvest. Part of this battle has nothing to do with what’s going on in the natural; it’s got to do with what’s going on in the kingdom.

As the president held up the bible in front of that burnt church, in the Spirit realm it was a statement to the nation: “Who is on the Lord’s side? Come on over.” The devil got mad at him for it. You see the rioting; he’s furious. He’s said, “How dare you hold that bible up. I’m going to destroy this nation; I’m going to take this nation down.”

God says, “Hah! A shot’s been fired across the bow. You will not take this nation, Satan, for it is mine.”

 “Who is on the Lord’s side?” Are you on the side of anarchy, rebellion, and murder, or on the side of the Lord and the rule of law? Whose side are you on this day? As for me and my house, we stand forever with the mosaic leadership that God has brought forth in this world for our country.

God bless all those brave leaders who are walking through the plague of rebellion with allegiance to God’s word to bring the nation back to righteousness. Stay on the right side of history, and God will bless you, even in the midst of tumultuous times.

[1] President Donald J. Trump


Battle Over Washington