Battle Over Washington

Fear not, children; fear not. It’s not over in this nation, for I’m going to turn the tables on the liberals. They will be screaming before this is over, saith the Lord. This day I’m issuing a royal command concerning the major fight going on over Washington, D.C.

You watch and mark my words. I’m going to light that Senate chamber up; I’m going to light the Supreme Court up. I’m going to send prophets to the steps of the Capitol and the steps of the White House. They will proclaim my words to this nation, and those words will cause leaders to tremble in fear of the Almighty. God will be vindicated and honored in this nation before this is over.

This nation is going to shake at the Word of the Lord. Prophecy will be heard across the airways before things are said and done. I am returning the nation to the root of righteousness. Evil will no longer have its way, but I will have my way, saith God.

Call on me now. This indeed is what you were born and raised for – to stand up in this generation calling for righteousness. It means you get down on your knees and call out for those kids being destroyed by the wickedness in the land. Call out for God to shut down the doorways that have caused these things to happen. Call for the removal of those in the legislature who are evil, wicked, and rotten to the core, and declare the foundation of this nation to come back to what it was at its birth.

The Ten Commandments are in those places of government for a reason. This nation was founded by me, saith God, and I want my people to stand up and take her back. You command them out in the Spirit and in prayer, and you keep it up, and you keep it up until victory is achieved.

I desire America to be one nation under God again with godly leadership. I’m calling men out of the pulpits and into seats of government. Ministers are being called into government! I want this nation righteous again with a godly Senate and Congress. I want those evil men and women repealed who are a stench in my nostrils.

America was never intended to go down this course, but when righteous men do nothing, evil prevails.[1] Now you’ve got to get some Holy Ghost guts and stand up in your calling. The word of the Lord was sent unto the prophets, and they shut the heavens over nations, and they opened the heavens over nations. Kings trembled at their very words. I’m calling you this day to stand up in prophetic utterance over America, under my anointing, and my power, and proclaim what the Holy Ghost puts in your heart.

Intercede for your Nation

Thus, saith the Lord God: I have not appointed this nation to destruction; I’ve not set a decree in heaven, saying, “America will go down.” I have not called for flaming retribution, vengeance, and violence upon the land. But know this, there are those among you who have. Even now, a ‘fifth column’ within this nation is actively planning your destruction so that the World Order could come forward and become the dominant superpower on this planet.

But that is not my will, nor my intention of what I want to happen here, saith the Lord. I’m calling you to step into the gap now and intervene in prayer. It is a truism – as the prayer goes up, God’s Spirit comes down. So, call on God.

There is a vast struggle going on over Washington because D.C. is the key to power in this nation, and I’m calling you to intercede for your leaders. I’m calling you to pray for the godly senators and members of Congress. I’m calling you to start making decrees in the spirit realm, saith the Lord.

I’m putting prophetic mantles upon you for declaration to decree the fall of those whose plans are to destroy this country; decree that they will be taken out of power. Speak that the enemy strongholds will be pulled down, so that righteousness may come forward. The ear of the Lord is open to the cry of the righteous, and I am waiting to hear my people cry and cry unto me about this, that I may respond, saith God.

You’ve seen things change before on your own level when you’ve cried unto me about situations; you’ve seen answers to prayer on levels in your own life and your own family. But advance your faith a little bit further now and elevate your prayers onto a national level.

Begin to go after the Supreme Court in prayer; begin to go after the Senate and Congress in prayer. Call those people with hidden agendas out of positions who do not belong there, and in the spirit realm begin to replace them with godly men and women who will run this nation according to the word of the Lord and the laws of heaven.

Supreme Court Justices

Supreme Court Justices, you hear the word of the Lord this day. You have dispensed your justice, but the Lord God of Heaven is coming to dispense his. God Almighty is coming back to this nation dedicated unto him, and he is coming to take back the land. The Spirit of the Lord is returning to nullify the ungodly decisions that have been made, and you will see your decisions reversed. Those evil verdicts will not prevail, for you will begin to see the principles of the Scriptures ruling and reigning over this land far and wide. 

The Lord is coming to replace justices whose hearts are not aligned with his. One by one, your seats will be vacated as God Almighty appoints righteous judges on that council. Soon decisions inspired by the Spirit of the Lord will rule and reign over this nation from California to Maine, and from Canada to Mexico.

Hear the word of the Lord this day. You are being served your eviction notices in the spirit realm, and you will soon be removed by the hand of God. 

There will be Light in Washington

Lord, to those elected officials who are sitting in seats who do not belong there, we serve them eviction notices in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

You are being served your eviction notice this day on the Supreme Court, your eviction notice in Congress, and your eviction notice in the Senate. You will vacate your seats in the name of the Lord Jesus, and you will hand them over to godly men and women who will lead this nation correctly before the Lord.”

“In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we decree your removal. You who do the evil work of your father, who is the devil, will be removed from your seats by death, by accident, by judicial decree in the name of the Court of Heaven. You will be pulled from those seats that you have been unfaithful and unrighteous in. God Almighty is moving in, and the Spirit of the Lord will be operating in that capital.”

“Satan, you will not take this nation down into the pit of hell. You will not fulfill the demonic destiny that you have been planning for years to take over America’s political process, forcing God out of the nation, to hand it willingly over to the Antichrist of this world! You will not have your way over this nation! The Christians who are crying out to God day and night are prevailing in prayer, led by the Holy Spirit, orchestrated by Almighty God himself in heaven.”

Know this; a changing of the guard is coming. Righteousness will once again come forth out of that capital. Where there has been a well of filthiness and sorcery, dark hidden things are being uncovered. They will be cleansed and washed, and God is going to position godly men and women into key political positions to lead this nation in the battle of light against darkness over this planet.

There will be light in Washington! There will be Christian soldiers of light moving into those chairs, into those benches, into those judicial seats, in the name of Jesus. They will have on the armor of God. They will make decisions that are pleasing unto the Lord God of Heaven that he may bless this land and not curse it. We call it forth this day in the heavenlies. We proclaim it by the power of God that these things come into motion and begin happening on a nationwide scale.

“You’ve been served eviction notices. You will vacate the premises in the name of Jesus. Begin to pack your bags; begin to make your plans because you’re going on a trip, and God’s men are coming in.”

Revolution in this Nation

And low, the Lord God has heard the cries of the intercessors, and it is your cries that have risen to the throne of God that have changed, I said changed, I said changed the heart of God, concerning the fate of this land. It is this realm of intercession that has moved the hand and heart of God for good toward this land, for I tell you, there will be a holy revolution in this nation to combat the darkness.

This is the nation of the Lord; this nation belongs to God. Look at every building. Is not his name stamped upon building after building in that capital? Is not his name on top of the obelisk honoring the first leader of the Republic? The name of the Lord is to be praised.

And I tell you, the Spirit of the Lord is coming; he is coming in more forms than you can imagine. God is going to turn things upside down. Soon you will not recognize Washington, D.C. for the Lord God will empty the filth and the great wickedness from those buildings that have grown there.

God is going to remove people. He will tap some on the shoulder and say, “Excuse me, but you are sitting in my place,” and if they do not move, then he will remove them! The Lord God will remove them through plague; he will remove them through pestilence; he will remove them through death. He will take them out of his capital. God will remove their agendas; their agendas are nothing before him.

The Spirit of the Lord is sending his servants into that capital to challenge them even as the Lord sent Moses before the Pharaoh of Egypt. God is sending his prophets into the nation’s capital,[2] who will challenge the liberals, who will challenge the ruling powers there, and there will be signs and wonders granted. The Lord God is raising a holy wave of righteous anger in the ministers and pastors of this nation to assault the forces of wickedness. There will be a huge clash. As you’ve seen the clash portrayed in movies between the angels of light and hordes of darkness, the Spirit of God is coming forward in this land with a mighty clash.[3]

You have seen the distinct division in this country broadcast on the airwaves. Put on your seatbelts and buckle in. Civil war has come to this nation. This is a distinct division; you will either get on one side, or you will get on the other; there can be no middle ground. The anointing of God and the power of God is coming upon you to confront the forces of darkness.

You may say to yourself, “I am so weak; I am so small. How can I make headway against these organized fronts?” Therein lies your strength – the fact that you do know your weakness and frailties. You know you can’t tackle such powers on your own. Yet, the Spirit of God is equipping you in the spirit realm, for this confrontation will take a mighty move of God.

Fear not, when you stand before the Senate, when you stand before the Congress, when you stand before the very leaders of the United States. The words that will come out of your mouth will be words of fire and anointing. You will be shocked at what you hear yourself saying. Therein lies the test of a true prophet of the Lord. He doesn’t know what he’s going to say. He just opens his mouth, and God fills it, and from out of his spirit comes forth the wisdom of God, under the anointing of God, inspired by God. 

But woe unto those who oppose the servants of the Lord who are released unto the capital of this nation. For I tell you, God will defend his servants who open their mouths for him. They will not be consumed by the ravenous lies of the liberal left. They will not be eaten by those who would take their lives. I tell you, the Lord God will protect the men and women whom the Spirit sends into this nation’s capital, and the forces of the enemy will not take them out.

A challenge has come to this land, but know that the Spirit of God will ride this nation into victory. This country will not be defeated; it will not go down in defeat. This nation’s trust is in the Lord; this nation’s trust is in the God of your fathers who fought in World War I, who fought in World War II, fought in the Korean War, and the subsequent conflicts struggling for liberty all over this planet.

The Lord God is calling for the patriots of America to stand up and fight. It’s time to fight in the Spirit. There’s a fighting spirit being released collectively upon the hearts of the countrymen to fight for holiness, fight for righteousness, and to fight for the lives of the unborn. There will be a fierce determination within you, such as was used to fight Hitler, such as was used to fight Tojo.[4] There is a no holds barred fight going on over this nation, but you will prevail; you will prevail, saith the Lord.

Calling the Minutemen of God

I will have a clean table before me, and I will raise men and women out of the lineage of David after my own heart, who will not deviate from the truth. I will bring forth those who will not sacrifice unclean things on my altar for their own benefit and purposes to build their own kingdoms. I will level that which has been done and will now begin anew.

The word of the Lord will dominate in the coming days. The word of the Lord is coming to your political leaders. The sheep are crying unto their Heavenly Father, and he is hearing the cry of his people, and he’s answering with fire on the altar in Washington. God is going to burn the dross out of this nation! He’s going to burn the dross out of those who have been manipulating and deceiving the people.    

The day is breaking upon this nation, and it is even upon you, where a great glorious opportunity is being handed to the church. Now, will the church rise and prevail this day? Will the church answer the Lord’s call? Will you press into intercession and into the things that the Lord shows you and demand to have godliness back in this nation? Will you demand to have godly leadership over you because if you don’t, the enemy of your soul will place so many of his followers into leadership positions, you will no longer recognize this land as the land of the free, but the land of bondage.

Call upon God; call upon God; call upon God. As my people cried out unto me out of Egypt, they are crying out of this nation, and I have sent you a deliverer. I have sent you one who has the power to break the darkness that has prevailed over this nation, and he is supported by a base of millions of Christians praying for him. This man is your salvation in this hour. He is the hand of God unto you, and he will begin an era of godly leadership in this land.

Come along, saith the Lord, and join this mighty band; join this political movement, for it is not just a political movement but a move of God. This is a move of God on the political machinery of this nation. It has come because of my people’s intercession and cries unto me. They are sick of the wickedness and are upset by what the liberals have done and are yet seeking to do. 

I say unto you, keep interceding; keep praying, and you will see the liberal base shrink. It will get smaller and smaller as those who have been deceived begin to defect from their ranks and come over into righteousness. You will see a defecting from those ranks as people begin running to the house of God and the right side of issues; they will begin to seek to throw their support towards godly men.

This is your time; this is your season. I am doing something new. You can’t even comprehend what I am doing in the White House. This is not an anointing for one or two terms, but this is a reign of righteousness in this land for years and years to come! I’m setting it up and laying the foundation. This is a groundbreaking historic moment in the kingship of God.

I no longer want to see you separate the secular and the church realm. The political realm is not to be different from the church realm, saith the Lord. It is to be one. The positions held are over the buildings belonging to my people. That’s my White House; that’s my Congress; that’s my Supreme Court; that’s my National Mall, and that’s my city! The God-fearing leaders are my men, and you are to be of service to them. 

I’m calling my servants to go forth to serve in the political process in this nation. I’m calling the church to meld into the political process, and may there be no more division. I’m taking down the partition in this land. As one wall goes up, another wall is coming down. What a great lie Satan brought forth, demanding a separation between church and State. There is to be no division in a godly nation founded by godly men for godly purposes.

It’s time to stand up and be ye men and take the Republic back, saith the Lord. Kick the Canaanites out of the land; kick the perverts out of the land; kick the deceivers out of the land. I want my buildings back. I want the system back, and I want godly men in power. Now have the guts to stand up and take back that which is your heritage.    

Behold, George Washington, and the forefathers have been crying out to me,

“When will the Republic stand and kick those men out of our city? We handled them a godly heritage. Why are they trading it away? What lie has been perpetrated that they now believe the church is to have no place in the running of government? Who told them to hide their faces, to dare not voice the case for righteousness?”     

I’m calling the minutemen of God into the nation’s capital. It’s time to stand up and fight in the Spirit. You will haul the enemy out of the buildings, out of the offices, out of positions of power, and you will usher in a move of God that will free the nation from the bondage she is in. Now stand and stand ye steadfast strong in the Lord, in the power of his might.[5]     

You must discover your heritage. You must unearth the truths that this is indeed a godly nation founded with godly purposes by God-fearing men. You must link arm in arm now with the words of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln in the realm of the Spirit and begin fighting for the good of this nation, for they are in the heavens interceding, even as they see their memory dishonored and tarnished across the land.

 It wouldn’t be the first time there was a civil war in this country. This will be a great fight but know that righteousness shall prevail. The righteous indignation and anger of the Lord are coming upon my servants to confront the powers of darkness that have hijacked the leadership of this land. It is a historic moment. This is a day that will live on and on and on into the future. Lift your eyes to see a new vision of America as you rise to become one nation under God in both spirit and in truth.  

Covenant with this Nation

I tell you a truth: it does not matter how people view America. It doesn't matter how the politicians view America. It doesn’t even matter how some church leaders view America. I am going to tell you how I view America. She is my arsenal, saith the Lord; she is my policeman on this planet and the instrument of my hand.

I have made a covenant with this nation that she shall not fall or be destroyed. And I am rising in my indignation and my wrath and my fury, to turn and punish those who are working to hand this nation over to the enemy. The cup of iniquity is now full. I will tip it with my hand, and that which has been going on behind the scenes will be revealed, so that the way to righteousness may come forth.

There will rise such a strong intercessory move in this nation that it will shift the plates of this continent! I will bring forth such a strong volcanic cry from the intercessors of God out of this nation that it will begin to affect this planet on a worldwide scale.

Fear not, saith the Lord. There is a time and season for all things. You will learn how strong you can be in the Lord, for when you take on my cause, my strength flows forth through you. I call you to trust in the Lord, putting your faith, your hope, and your trust in Him; for it is the Lord who will protect, guide, and guard you through the future. As you find the heart of God for your life and begin to flow in it, you will receive strength and hope no matter what is going on around you.

There is a famous photo of Winston Churchill walking out of the ruins of London, shaking his fist at the Germans. He had my strength; he had my power and anointing. He knew that God would prevail over that conflict. He had no confidence in the flesh, even in the army of Britain. He knew they were defeated by the Nazi war machine across the channel in the natural, but he also knew there was a God in heaven who still ruled and reigned. Counting on that fact, he called on God, and he called on God, and he called on God, and he refused to receive the counsel of defeat. He refused to receive the negative words from those all around him. 

But he heard the word of the Lord, and the word of the Lord to him was victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory! 

I will give you victory over this demonic horde. I will give you victory over the powers of evil on this planet. His deliverance was in the hand of the Lord, and God saw that man and the British nation through to the light of victory. That is where you must go now into the secret closet of victory with the Lord. Do not listen to the negative views on the news, but you listen to God, and you call upon God, and weapons that you do not know of will be released in the heavenlies.

The Angelic host will go forth. This battle will be won by you, my intercessors, in this nation! This battle will be won by those who hold unto the Lord in faith. I will release angelic forces that will turn the tides of evil on this planet. It will come forth through the intercessions of the Daniels, Hannahs, and Samuels who hear the word of the Lord and not the word of the enemy, who believe in the Lord their God and trust what the Spirit is speaking into their hearts. 

You are the Daniels, the Elijahs, the Samuels, and Deborahs in this generation. Do not listen to leaders who speak doom and gloom. Do not heed those who are not hearing from God, but you closet yourself in to commune with the Almighty. Hear the word of the Lord poured into your heart, and behold, volcanoes of faith will rise within you. Weapons of war will come out of you in prayer with the capacity to destroy legions of the enemy. 

For the battle, truly is not yours; it is the Lord's. The Lord will do the fighting; the Lord will deploy the weapons.[6] When you channel into the flow of the Holy Ghost, all things are possible. Things that can't happen in the natural will occur. Open your eyes and see. It will look like they cannot happen, but in the Spirit realm of God, they are already happening.

Churchill stood in bombed-out buildings, shaking his fist at the German bombers overhead proclaiming victory. He would climb to the top of buildings seeing the airplanes coming in to destroy London, and he’d shout at them, “Your day is coming; God will deal with you; you will go down in defeat.” He knew there were casualties of war; people were dying all around him, yet he was so locked onto God seeing the Lord’s future for Britain, he proclaimed what he saw in his spirit.

Yes, there are casualties. Know there will be terrible things that happen around you, but you must remain closeted with the Lord your God if you would have victory, if you would not be defeated, if you would walk through these days as an intercessor of God. You will walk in fields of gold, saith the Lord. Fields of gold lie ahead of you – the gold of the Spirit, the gold of the harvest, the golden things of the Lord. Behold, you are entering the Golden Church.

Closet yourself, I say. Do not isolate yourself; you can remain in the body, but in due diligence, closet yourself with the Lord and hear what he says unto you and then walk in it. You can walk on water when you hear the voice of the Lord, but you will never walk on water listening to the disciples. They have not the power to put you upon the sea, only I do. I, the Lord your God, can put you where I put Churchill – defiant in the face of the enemy full of victory and power – if you do not trade it in for the feeble advice of those around you.

There are defeatists in every nation, in every party, in every ministry who bring the counsel of defeat. They will say you cannot do this, you cannot do that, but it’s not true until heaven tells you. I am known for bringing victory out of what is seemingly hopeless defeat. When Sennacherib King of Assyria surrounded Jerusalem, there was no hope; it was all over for the Israelis. But the prophet Isaiah walked into the king under my direction and said, “The enemy will go back if you will serve the Lord,” and true to God’s promise, Sennacherib retreated.[7]  

Don't tell me that I cannot do miraculous things with people who seemingly are walking in defeat. There is no defeat or depression in me. There is no loss of hope in me, saith the Lord. Come unto me, and I will renew and invigorate you with hope and strength[8] where you will walk above the filth of this world. You will walk in clouds of glory; you will walk in the fields of gold with your God.

Your armament will be shining, and your sword will cut through the darkest of darkness, because the battle is not yours, it is the Lord’s.[9] I do not know defeat; I'm not afraid of a single demon. Come unto me, saith the Lord; I'll give you rest and strength. I'll provide you the victory, but it is only within me that you will find this. When you have united yourself with your God, there is power in the supernatural.

The naysayers and defeatists will always be with you. Those that counsel will be around you, and although their counsel seems so wise as times, it is not the same as the counsel of God. Find the counsel of the Lord for life’s situations and then walk in it. Closet yourself with me, and hold your own counsel with your God.

Trust in the Lord; rest in the Lord; put your faith and your hope and your heart in the Lord, for it is only the Lord who can protect you, guide, and guard you through the future. When you can find the heart of God for your life, find the mantle of God for your life, and begin to flow in it, you will find strength, hope, and joy no matter what goes on around you.

A Prophetic Nation

I have heard the church, and I am having mercy upon the church who is crying unto me for righteousness. I declare, there will be a reversal in this nation. I will lay it upon the hearts of the layette, and there will be such an outcry of rage in this nation over the mayhem and immorality. Once again, says God, America will stand for that, which is clean and pure, holy and right, so that godliness and goodness may rule and reign. 

Washington will be filled with prophets. I am sending the prophets of America into Washington. They will be on the steps of the Capitol, prophesying to the nation the will of the Lord. There will be a godly rebuke in the nation’s capital upon the steps and in front of the monuments. The word of the Lord will go forth out of this nation, and it will come forth out of Washington, D.C.

There will be a turning in this nation, saith the Lord. It will come because of prayer groups across the nation upon their faces crying out for the sins of America, crying out for mercy upon their children and grandchildren coming behind them. I am hearing the prayers of the church. That's why I've set into motion that which you see being set into motion.

Go a little further in prayer, and I will show you things to come. I'm going to call preachers out of the pulpits. I'm going to cancel that anointing, and they will be called into politics. I’m calling the church back into the political arena to rule and reign in this nation. I’m calling ministers out of their pulpits now and into the political process where they are sorely needed.

This nation was founded upon God and godly principles. Does not your money and government buildings have written upon them “In God We Trust”? When will my people wake up and start crying to me about it, as they cried for their deliverance out of Egypt? For as your cries get louder and louder, my hand will come stronger and stronger on your behalf as I fill this nation once again with godly politicians – men of valor, men of principle, men of Holy Ghost integrity.

Be encouraged, my people. Your prayers are being answered, and though the world grows dark, this country will grow light; I say America will grow light. From the east to the west to the north to the south, prophecy will begin to reign over this land. This is a prophetic nation, and I will have my prophets speaking openly and publicly on the airwaves concerning the history, the destiny, and the future of this land.

Be pliable, my people. Be willing to be positioned by the Lord in the coming days into new ways and new places. Much of what you have gone through in your life has been training for your positioning that is now near. Trust in the God of Joseph, in the God of Abraham and Isaac. Trust in the One who crosses his hands and sets his people where they are needed and destined to be.

A Reversal in this Nation    

There are so many plots and plans flying around this country, and so many evil schemes. The Lord God sits in the heavens, and he laughs at it all. The Lord laughs at those who plot against you, for they are plotting against God, and no one has ever usurped his throne, and no one ever will.

Fear not when people scheme and plot around you. The Holy Ghost reveals the intimate details of conversations held behind closed doors. There are prophets present in every meeting. You may not know it, but they are there in the Spirit. Prophets hear things. They can be two hundred miles away and hear what was said; they’ll hear it as clear as if someone was sitting next to them because the Holy Ghost will let them in on the conversation. You serve an all-seeing God.

So, fear not concerning the schemes and plots spinning around you. God Almighty will overrule them all; he will stand on top of them all, and God will yet bring his sons out of Egypt. He will set them on their thrones and have his way as he had in the national election.

You have seen the twists and turns and the plots that have risen against this king. You have seen how many times they’ve tried to steal his throne. You have seen all the dark demonic activity time and time again as they’ve sought to seize and usurp the authority that God anointed to sit on the throne of this nation. Yet the angels came each time, surprising them and routing them with the sword of the Lord. They’ll be publicly disgraced for how many times they’ve tried to take down that which the Lord has ordained.

Our God has ordained the gospel to come out of this land and ordains leaders who will see that the church is protected. But the other side designs to destroy the rights and privilege of preaching the gospel. Their agenda is to usurp the authority of the Holy Spirit and set in place a liberal socialist agenda that could not and would not be overturned for years and years to come.

But the Lord Jehovah has heard the prayers of the church and is having mercy upon his people who have cried unto God for righteousness. There will be a reversal in this nation. The Holy Spirit will lay it upon the hearts of the layette, and there will come an outcry of rage in this nation at the immorality and perversion. Once again, says God, America will stand for that, which is clean, pure, right, and holy, where goodness and godliness prevail.  

This is a Maverick Nation

I am He that holds the winds of the earth in my hand, and I hold the future of the nations in my hand. I will stand, and I will raise a standard in this nation, and this nation will become a maverick nation, saith the Lord. It will rebel against the World Order; it will rebel against the hand of the Antichrist, and it will rebel against that which is coming upon the nations of this world. The nation of America will stand as the very armor-bearer of God resisting the evil that is coming.

There will be a vast, gigantic clash, saith the Lord. Prepare yourselves for battle, saith God; for the days will be full of conflict and battle, but I will give peace to those who are on their knees. You will find the peace of God during incredible storms. Those that are submitted to God will survive. Those who are ruling and reigning from their knees will be able to stand the coming flood. 

There is a Noah anointing and mantle coming upon this nation for those who find grace in the eyes of the Lord. Get on your faces; get to your knees. Find favor with God; humble yourself and find his grace. Fall down before the Mighty King of Glory, for he comes to the nations to shake and tear asunder everything that is displeasing to him. The sword of the Lord is coming. Get on your knees and pray for forgiveness of transgressions humbling yourself before the Mighty One of the Universe

Fall before him and find grace in the eyes of God. Let remission of sins come to your life; let confession come to your heart. Let the grace of God fall upon you so that when you stand, you stand in his righteousness; when you walk, you walk in his footsteps; and when you speak, you speak the very words of God. 

Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.[10] Find grace in the eyes of God this day. Seek the Lord while he may be found.[11] There is still space in time. I am allowing mass repentance across the nations. But the day will come when the hearts of those who are enemies of God will be so hardened in their conditions that they will not find the salvation of God, and they will be sent to their eternal destiny. 

Preach God’s grace to the nations while there is still this window of opportunity to find the Almighty, to find the grace of God and compassion in the Father's heart. For it is not my will that they should perish.[12] The Holy Spirit will convict you; no one needs to come and tell you of your sins; the Holy Ghost will tell you what you've done right or wrong in the sight of God.

You will know you have found a deliverance with God when the peace of the Lord floods your heart and soul. If you have not peace with God, then come to the altar and let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as snow; I will wash you clean.[13] I will take care of every problem you've ever had, if you will simply come, saying, “I am in so much need, my God. I realize I'm a mess; I'm a wreck; please help me.”

The ear of the Lord is open to the cry of the righteous.[14] My heart can be moved with compassion for those who are suffering both in and outside the church walls. Those who are caught in the web of lies, deceit, and sins, repent while there’s time, saith God. This is the season to get right with the Almighty, to put on white robes of righteousness, and be received into heaven in glory and power. This is the message for the church.

Repent for the Great One of Glory comes to inspect his bride and see his church with rewards in one hand but with correction in the other. Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we do persuade men to repent.[15]

Victory is with You

I was here at the inception of this nation. This is my nation, and I will be here at the conclusion of the matter. I am the Lord thy God, and I change not. I ruled over the kingdoms from the beginning, and I will rule until the end. I am the God of righteousness and holiness.

The political parties that are established in this nation do not rule America. I do, saith the Lord. I am the Lord your God; I am the King. I am He who holds the winds of the north, and I hold your destiny and future, saith God. Political parties do not hold you in their hands; I hold you in mine.

I am with you this day; I am for you; I am for the righteous element in this nation. Stand steadfast and strong, saith the Lord. I am not the God of gray; I am the God of black and white. Right is right and wrong is wrong, and never the twain shall meet.[16] There is no compromise within the Almighty. I call for holiness and purity; I call for a righteous standard to be lifted high in this land.

Do not be confused in this hour. There will be much deception broadcast, and much propaganda being put forth. But know this, the Scriptures are true. I will stand with those who stand with me; I will honor those who honor me, and I will give power; I will give glory; I will give anointing to those who walk in truth, purity, and holiness before me, raising the standard so that the people do not go astray.

The battle is on, saith God; the battle is on. A shot has been fired across the bow of this nation, and the enemy has said, “I will take it; I will destroy it; I will bring it down.” God says, Hah! You wait and see what happens as I begin to move. I’m going to pour my Spirit out from the East Coast to the West Coast. There’s going to be revival hit this land. People that have been so against God are going to turn and like Paul, be knocked off their horses. They will come to Christ, and they will be on the airwaves confessing that he is Lord and that they were wrong. You watch and see what happens on both sides of the aisle – left and right.

Conversions are coming; conversions are coming, and it won’t be just political Christianity; it’s going to be the real deal! I’m walking into that Capitol; I’m walking into the Senate, and I’m walking into the White House. I’m going to begin to touch people and anoint them. The burning fire of God is going to fall upon the hearts of congressmen, senators, and leaders in this nation. You’re going to see the fire of God begin to prevail.

There is a battle; there is a huge battle. But know this, I’ve been in battles since this nation was formed. I was there at the Revolutionary War; I helped George Washington win. I was there in the Civil War; I saw to it that right prevailed. I was there in WWI and WWII, and I am with you now and will be there in your future, saith God.

So, put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the seas. Put your hand in the hand of the man that no one can defeat. And know this, that the victory is with you; I am with you in this fight over this land.

[1] Edmond Burke – Irish statesman and philosopher: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

[2] Washington, D.C. – the capital city of the United States of America

[3] Helms Deep (2002, the Two Towers in Lord of the Rings) – the battle between light and darkness

[4] Hideki Tojo (1884 - 1948). Prime Minister of the Imperial Japanese Army during WWII against America and her Allies.  

[5] Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics of the Devil.” – Holman Christian Standard Bible

[6] 2 Chronicles 20:15 “This is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” – NLT

[7] 2 Chronicles 32:22 “So the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the power of King Sennacherib of Assyria and from the power of all others. He gave them rest on every side.” – HCSB

[8] Isaiah 40:31 “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” – NLT

[9] 1 Samuel 17:47 “All these people gathered here may know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord’s and He will give you into our hands.” – NLV

[10] Genesis 6:6-8 “The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him in His heart. So, the LORD said, “I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth – both man and beast, and the creeping things, and the birds of the sky, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” – MEV    

[11] Isaiah 55:6-7 “So turn your attention and seek the Eternal One while it is still possible; call on Him while He is nearby. Let those who are busy plotting violence and doing wrong stop right now, turn, and do right. Let them turn back to the Eternal so they can experience His compassion. God will excuse our past wrongs. Our God’s forgiveness is inexhaustible.” – The VOICE

[12] 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not delaying the promise, as some consider slowness, but is being patient toward you, because he does not want any to perish, but all to come to repentance.” – Lexham English Bible

[13] Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.” – NLT

[14] Psalm 34:14-15 “Turn away from evil and do what is good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry for help.” – HCSB

[15] 2 Corinthians 5:11 “Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men;” – New King James Version; “So because we stand in awe of the one true Lord, we make it our aim to convince all people of the truth of the gospel;” – the VOICE

[16] Rudyard Kipling (1892). “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.”